The grass is greener on the other side, or so the saying goes, so why do we all want that green grass so bad anyway? Maybe it’s a natural human instinct, we know that green grass is good for us. At Lou Projects, we believe in the power of bringing greenery and plants into your life through the design of your home and living spaces. We love utilising the natural environment around the home to enhance the beauty as well as the functionality of it.
We can build around or incorporate a beautiful deciduous tree into a front or back deck to not only look amazing, but also provide much wanted shade and protection in the summer or let the warming sun in during winter. We love using natural, sustainable materials, and adding a splash of green, like a timber fence cascaded with a climbing plant, so your outlook is more like a green forest jungle instead of a plain brick and concrete one.
But the green obsession doesn’t end there! A green home is a happy home, and we’re going to show you why. Indoor plants help purify the air in your home – trust us, it’s science! They absorb common household toxins from the air we breathe and release fresh oxygen. They can also help naturally cool your home – this is due to the moisture content in the plant being quite cool, so as warmer air passes it, a natural process of evaporation cools it. Not to mention the simple joy that comes from nurturing a plant, and seeing it thrive under your love and attention. So go on, get out there and grow green babies grow!